Here is my Dream log!

within here i shall write my dreams of interest

the first few dreams are things i've written down about a couple months ago (which i must first find) and have no specific date as to when they've occured, everything after shall have a date and moon cycle

The Search For Alice

The White hare and the Dogs

The Federal Whore

The Nigger Siege

Anon's Nightmare and Naptime dream

The Thief


Church of Satan Encounter

A kiss from Alice!

Possibly Illegal Doings

The Harvester Knight

The Underground Society

Another Anon's Dream

The Wounded Soldier

Murder Clowns horror facilities and other things

Ghost Stories

a Conversation with a Doll

Anon's Dream 3

Encountering the US President

Institution Combat

Eating Koishi's Brains and Robbing a burning building

A Strange Gift

A Date with Alice Margatroid