Another Anon's Dream.

Date: 27th July 2024

Moon cycle: Waning Gibbous

This Dream isn't mine, its origins belongs to an anonymous user on a korean basket weaving forum who i got permission from to share it here

had a weird ass dream that I guess was tangentially influenced but not directly related to Black Souls. I don't remember the full details of it, only some fragments.

I remember that I was in an RPGMaker looking world and I was trying to find my way to progress.

I had some outside instructions that I had to find a stake buried somewhere and plant it into a certain character's chest. I was able to find said character first, and he was a real bro who helped me move around and advance on the map.

Until, at some point, I found the place where I was supposed to search for that stake. I found it and stabbed him in the chest.

He asked me why and I said I thought this was supposed to help me progress. And he was like "I understand" and planted the stake deeper in his chest and died there.

It didn't look like it served any purpose and I hoped I would be able to repair my error and find my way out without killing him in a future loop.

Anon then provided two maps of what he could recollect

Pic related is kind of how the map section where the stake was looked like. More trees in the green area though. The stake was buried underneath one of the light brown circles.

The entrance to the map was from the south. The stake was kind of shaped like something inbetween a pin marker and a rapier, and the sharp part was made of metal, while it had a wooden handle.

To give you some sort of visual anchor regarding the guy I killed, he gave off some Lindamea vibes.

Just to make sure, I'm not saying it was him or even inspired by him, but if there's someone within the same general category of looks and personality, it would be him.

There was also another map, I don't recall at which point, where a pair of twin girls resided. Twin Alices if you wish (again, not actually Alices or related to Alice in any capacity, but a similar vibe).

The landscape had a chromatic theme similar to pic related, except with more stuff that was glowing bright blue.

Oh and something else: I had some awareness that I was the "player", which is why I had the concept of loops in mind (even though I didn't know whether I'd actually be able to reset the loop, and it was more wishful thinking on my part), and also this prior knowledge that I should kill the dude, either from a possible previous loop or something akin to reading a walkthrough.

But it wasn't like I was playing a game, but I was part of the actual world itself.