A Date with (2hu) Alice

Date: 19th feb 2025

Moon cycle: Waning Gibbous

I was bumming about in some shopping mall until my Date Arrived

It was Alice! not the "Alice" i was expecting, its touhou Alice, Alice Margatroid (another touhou character, have I been plaing too much EraTW?).

we wandered about a bit together, saying a lovely little thing or two, Which I can't Remember.

we came upon an Arcade with games and various other things. a slide too, but that didn't seem to interest Alice much.

and So we left, and wandered about in an empty but straight road as night was soon to begin.

so far a normal date, but things are about to get Weird from here on out.

we came upon an somewhat abandoned house, a small house, perhaps a shed of only one room which we entered.

inside the house... WAS KANAKO YASAKA!!! and we were invited to watch her litle "theatre".

me and Alice took our seats. and shortly after, the show begun.

before us was a Chair, and a... "Person" was brought to the chair by two men. It was a pale "Humanoid" thing with about five or so legs Twitching and convulsing.

It had no Eyes, No mouth, Just a pale featureless Face resting slightly over the shoulder.

the two men stood aside, and their appearance were clear enough to Identify, one a movie character and another an actor.

On the left was Indiana Jones in is usual attire, and on the left was arnold schwarzenegger in his underwear, his muscular form well visible.

they then both left the stage, whith Arnold coming back to adjust the humanoid

arnold then begun asking us if we had seen any of his movies, only to get shooed off by Kanako.

then, a dozen shadowy men armed with dark age torture utensils appeared whom could hardly be seen or recognized

a spotlight was illuminated to the "humanoid", and the shadowy men stood clear from the light, as to not distract us from our little protagonist.

many black hands came in from the dark to the humanoid, grabbed hold of it, and begun torturing it. the Humanoid was Thrashing with such Intensity the darkened hands could barely hold it still.

Several Beams Came from behind us, some white and some red, and begun searing at its flesh.

This horrible scene was... spectacular, the thing was utterly Flayed, Butchered.

and by the end of the Dream, nothing remained but a butchered Carcass laying limp on the floor.

I must Say, Kanako Did put up a great impression on us. I was quite amused of what i had just witnessed. Alice Perhaps, not so much.

Then my internet shut off, Then The Dream ended shortly after. I wonder if there was some Greater Meaning to this Dream, Concerning Kanako and the movie actors. and torture. especially the torture.

CLOSING THOUGHTS: uuuh... Kanako had an amazing Chest.